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Where Can I Find the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer.

The VIN can be found in a couple of places including on the car's registration label (1), on the compliance plate in the engine bay (2) or on the passenger side windshield (3), or on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed) (4). See the image below:

Look for the VIN in these other locations:


CarHistory Subscriber Application

Interested in subscribing to the CarHistory service? Complete and submit the form below to get the process started.

Please note this information will be treated as confidential.  It is required to assist in assessing your application to become a subscriber.

Step 1: Your company details
Registered address
Trading address
Step 2: Your principal contacts
Name of principal business contact
Name of billing contact
Step 3: Your principal business activity
Step 4: Your reason for subscribing to CarHistory

Step 5: Annual subscription fees

Subscription fee (charged annually) = $195.00

In addition to the annual subscription fees we will charge fees for your use of our services in accordance with Section 6 of the Terms of Supply.  These fees are subject to change from time to time.  Please refer to our latest Value Plan for our current charges.

Step 6: Credit disclosure

We may agree to provide services to you under this application for subscription on credit.  In order to process your application for subscription and manage the relationship going forward, we may need to obtain personal credit information about you in order to grant credit in relation to these services.  Any defaults on credit granted may be listed with a credit reporting agency. 

In addition to the Terms of Supply, you agree that for the purposes of processing your application for subscription:

1. Agreement that Equifax may seek consumer credit information (Part IIIA of the Privacy Act 1988).

If Equifax considers it relevant to assessing my/our application for commercial credit, I/we agree to Equifax obtaining from a credit reporting body a credit report containing personal credit information about me/us in relation to commercial credit provided by Equifax.

2. Exchanging information with other credit providers

I/we agree to Equifax obtaining personal information about me/us from other credit providers, whose names I/we may have provided to Equifax or that may be named in a credit report, for the purpose of assessing my/our application for commercial credit, made to the company.

3. Listing credit default information

I/we agree that if I/we default on our terms of subscription, Equifax may list information about my/our credit default with a credit reporting body. If Equifax considers it relevant to assessing my/our application for commercial credit, I/we agree to Equifax obtaining from a credit reporting body a credit report containing personal credit information about me/us in relation to commercial credit provided by Equifax.

Step 7: Authorisation

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