The vehicle identification number (VIN) is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer.
The VIN can be found in a couple of places including on the car's registration label (1), on the compliance plate in the engine bay (2) or on the passenger side windshield (3), or on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed) (4). See the image below:
Get your simplified PPSR Certificate in seconds for only $28.95
Our PPSR Certificate contains an easy-to-read report, including icons that will tell you at a glance whether or not a financial encumbrance is recorded against the vehicle, or if the vehicle has been reported as either stolen or written off. Also included is an official PPSR Certificate generated by the Australian government.
Our PPSR Certificate includes:
If an encumbrance is recorded, the certificate will state:
You should have the PPSR Certificate issued on the day of purchase. It will show all registered details to the date the certificate is issued. Keep your PPSR Certificate in a safe place as this is your proof that there was no money owing on the vehicle when you bought it.
Or upgrade to the comprehensive CarHistory Report.