How to Check Rego in Victoria?


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Where Can I Find the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer.

The VIN can be found in a couple of places including on the car's registration label (1), on the compliance plate in the engine bay (2) or on the passenger side windshield (3), or on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed) (4). See the image below:

Look for the VIN in these other locations:

  • Insurance card/Insurance policy
  • Vehicle title and registration certificate


If you’re buying a second-hand car in Victoria, one of the standard checks you need to run is Victoria rego check to confirm the vehicle’s registration details.


At CarHistory we can offer you even more thorough reports on the vehicle you’re interested in to check that you’re not buying a lemon.

When it comes to purchasing a used car, there are a lot of things to keep in mind, and it can easily become overwhelming.

We’re here to help you with the safety and risk assessment of the vehicle you’re interested in purchasing. We can run a Victoria rego check for you at no cost and have two other paid check options available giving you more in-depth and comprehensive vehicle reports. Having more information about the vehicle will ensure that you’re able to make the most informed decision possible about whether to finalise the purchase – or not.
On Australian roads we see fatal car accidents that run into the hundreds every year. This is also true of Victoria where over 10,000 fatal car accidents have occurred since 1989. Checking the registration of any vehicle you decide to purchase and drive impacts the safety of not just yourself, but also any other road users. A vehicle lookup can ease your mind and check that there’s no funny business going on and that everything is legal.


Anyone who is interested in a second car should run a full report on the vehicle to make sure there are no nasty surprises waiting for you.


CarHistory offers Australia’s only comprehensive report to pull data from all states and territories to provide you with the most thorough and up-to-date record on the vehicle you’re interested in.
In addition to running a registration check, our comprehensive report checks whether the vehicle has ever been stolen, whether it’s ever been written off in a car accident, whether it has sustained any damage, and whether it’s financially encumbered – where the current owner has finance owing on  the vehicle.
A comprehensive report can position you to make a better decision about any second-hand vehicle purchase. We even include a vehicle valuation based on the report so you could find yourself in a better position to negotiate a fairer price. Our reports run a PPSR check VIC, VIN check Australia wide, as well as providing the standard registration details.
At the very least, a Victoria rego check is a must when purchasing a used vehicle in Victoria. A vehicle must be registered before it can be driven on public roads. Drivers caught driving an unregistered car face harsh fines and penalties. 
Running a Victoria rego check is important to avoid such harsh penalties, and to keep you safe. In addition, you can avoid being held liable for any damages or injuries caused by an accident in which you are at fault. 
Make sure that you check rego on any second-hand car you buy. This helps ensure your safety and the safety of others. 

What does a rego check show? 


A Victoria rego check can run a check on any vehicles registered in VIC. This check can be done online at no cost on the VicRoads Department website. The rego check results will


  • check whether the vehicle is registered by VicRoads,
  • check the car rego expiry date,
  • check Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer and expiry date of the policy,
  • check any registration restrictions the vehicle may have, and
  • confirm the vehicle model and body type so it’s true to the seller’s description.
This information can help ensure that you know the right registration details for the vehicle you intend to buy.

When is a rego check required? 

 A Victoria rego check is a smart check to run when you’re considering buying a second-hand vehicle. In fact, it’s best to run this check before any money exchanges hands so you’re not wasting money on a potentially unregistered vehicle, or one that has underlying issues.
To ensure that there are no hidden details, we encourage our customers to send as many enquiries as possible and run a comprehensive CarHistory Report. It’s a low-cost investment for peace of mind.

How to check rego in Victoria?

 To run a Victoria rego check, simply head online to the VicRoads Department website and enter the registration plate number to search for the rego history of the vehicle.
If you’re interested in finding out not just the Victorian rego check information, but whether the car has ever been stolen, has been written off in an accident, might still be under a creditor’s financing, or has sustained water damage, then you’ll want to run the most comprehensive vehicle report available in Australia. 
That report is ours, the CarHistory Report. Our report canvases information from across all states and territories to pull together a complete picture of exactly where the car has been and what has happened to it over the years.
Running a low-cost comprehensive report to find out everything you can before you exchange thousands of dollars is a smart investment to ensure you don’t waste your hard-earned money. 
All you need to run a full report with CarHistory is the 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number issued to all registered cars in Australia after 1989. Hop online, enter the vehicle registration number, and make your payment – then sit back while we do the hard work. 
Run a comprehensive vehicle registration check at CarHistory today.

View a sample report >